Saturday, January 25, 2020
Rising Cost Of Living In The Current Regime
Rising Cost Of Living In The Current Regime The aim of this study is to investigate the existence of rising cost of living and examine the responses of the community against the rising cost of living in KPK Pakistan. The rising cost of living dilemma is not only dace by one country. The study highlights the factors which enhance the rising cost of living in KPK. These factors are Income level, Price and population. The primary date collected from the six districts of KPK Pakistan. The study targeted 150 respondents randomly for data collection. The six districts were Peshawar, Charsada, Mardan, Bannu, Noshehra and Kohat. Six hypotheses were developed which were tested under one tail t-test. Findings show that out of six two null hypothesis rejected and rest four accepted. Because the respondents was not agree with statement of four hypothesis which was establish in study. The four hypotheses was about migration, multiple job, job hopping and community members give preferences on the basic items on the luxurious items which wer e not accepted. The community members do not leave their home town, not take interest in multiple job because they spent their time with their families, do not take interest job hopping and community members are in undecided situation to give the preference to the luxuriously items or not due to social status, and consider as status symbol because they feel that these luxurious items become daily life practice. Introduction The rising cost of living is the well-know community dilemma around the world from last 50 years (Church, 2011) Cost of living suggest that Adam Smith believed in a minimum wage equal to twice what it would it cost one working person to raise a family with two kids (Georedd, 2010). The rising cost of living reminiscent of many other countries is test for the present Thai governments stability, particularly in the stir of political tumult in the Middle East and gigantic natural catastrophe throughout many counties of the world (Leeahtam, Treesraptanagul, 2011). Since 1950, the rising cost of living has massive impact on in the developed countries community like America, Japan, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, the community has paying enormous amount for a few basic goods (Bongaarts, 2004). The rising Cost of living in the United States can vary depending on locality and standard of living. Immense cities like Los Angeles, New York and Chicago are likely to have towering costs of goo ds and services (Castro, 2009). The rising cost of living is the problem has faced by the African and South Asian countries .In South Asia the some factors which influence the living cost are similar to the west countries .like inflation, income, social status, expenditure. The factors which are not influence by the cost of living in the western world but have the vast impact on the Asian countries community like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh is the family size and social culture (Sothearith, Sovannarith, 2003). In Pakistan the cost of living is accelerating mode since partition but last two decade inflation rate accelerated in double digit. The inflation is the basic element and impressive impact of the rising cost living (Khan, SchimmelpfennIig, 2006). The households are facing problem of paying higher prices for necessary items like shelter, food, clothes, electricity, gas water, and transport. Many households feels that prices are raising too fast (Church, 2011). The living cost of community is escalating because the prices of basic products are sky-scraping. Rising prices are equal to the inflation; rising prices would mean you have less buying power. Rising cost of living mean as a persistent raise in the general price level, means is the rate at which the prices of goods are rising (Tahir.S, 2006). According to Qqyyum (2011) the rising cost of living was recognized by the Consumer Price Index which determines the average price of customer goods and services purchased by households. The rising cost of living are connected with rapid emergent economy where the claim for goods and services is higher that the countrys creation ability (Haq, Hussain, 2008). The central banks are the authority in the countries to control the inflation, through supply of money by rising or falling short term interest rates. For instance, the European Central Bank decides to keep yearly inflation rate under 2% to encourage price steadiness and appropriate growth. (Massod, 2011). The purpose of this study is to identify the community response against the rising cost of living in Khyber Pakhtunkhawa. This study will be accomplishing to inspect the causes of rising cost of living and responses of the community about the rising cost of living in Khyber Pakhtunkhaw. The rising cost of living problem has faced by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa community. The factors that influence the rising cost of living are change in the Pakistan due to culture difference as compare to the other countries in the world (Iqbal, 1994). This study examines the response of the community and gives the solution for better living standard. Literature Review The literature shows that influence that cost of living are affected by the various factors. Like Inflation, Income, Size of family, Migration, and Better job opportunities. First inflation impact. The cost of living affect by the inflation, the inflation is nothing more than a sharp upward movement in the price level (R.P Cent 1996). Born said (1996) Too much money chasing too few goods. The sharp increase in goods and services prices over the past couple of years has raised serious concerns about the food and nutrition situÃâà ation of poor people in developing countries, about inflation, and in some countries about civil disturbances. Real prices are still below their mid-1970s peak, but they have reached their highest point since that time. Both developing and developed country govÃâà ernments have roles to play in bringing prices under control and in helping poor people (Braun, 2008). Khan et al, (2006) In Pakistan the inflation relatively low for quite a long time, the inflation rate accelerated in Pakistan late 2003 after the 1998-99 crises, inflation was reduced to below 5 percent by 2000 and remained stable through 2003. Rigid monetary policy joint with fiscal consolidation appears to have contributed to this low inflation environment The under develop countries have single digit inflation rate indicates that these countries are on the road to emerged as developed country. China, India, Brazil, Turkey, Russia and Bangladesh are the under develop countries, they have single digit inflation rate which suggest that they are moving towards as the developed country. Its mean the government have a stable monetary police there are not massive different between in the balances of payments and government have a sufficient reserve. In these countries there is political stability and equally opportunity available to every citizen of the country for employment. The value of under develop countries currencies have rising gradually. Pakistan, Egypt, and Venezuela are the under develop countries but they have double digit inflation rate, that suggest the economy situation is vice versa to the above mention under develop countries. (Masood, 2011) Secondly, the income influence the cost of living when the prices of consumer goods is rising the community is not be able to buy it because of the income is not allowing him to buy it (Pochet, 1997 ). The income has impressive impact on the rising cost of living. In the USA people have a very high level of income the living cost is much better than the east countries that is why people from all over the world desire to move into the country because of the very high salaries as well as the plenty of job opportunities. The community of the USA has the well income source as compare to the Asian countries. The USA is the richest and most dominant nation in the world. At present, it ranks 1st in terms of economy and quality of life. The current GDP of the nation is over 13 trillion Euros with a per capita GDP of over 44,000 Euros (Castro, 2009). Haworth and Rasmussen in his study (1973) said that uniform salary package is not useful tool to decrease the cost of living. The income level in USA was declined last three years due to recession. According to DeNavas, Proctor, Smith (2011) household income was $49,445 in 2010, 2.3 perÃâà cent turn down from 2009. In 2007 when the recession hit the US economy, real income has declined 6.4 percent and is 7.1 percent income level was top in 1999. Family and nonfamily households income level turned down between 2009 and 2010. The income level of family houseÃâà holds was turndown by 1.2 percent to $61,544 on average base the income of nonfamÃâà ily households was turndown by 3.9 percent to $29,730. According to Africa Development Bank (2009) the income levels in Africa; Seychelles has the maximum per capita income $ 8,180 in 2005. Egyptian per capital income was $ 1,260. The income level of other Africans countries was between $ 5,000 and $ 6,000. South Africa and Tunisia was per capita income levels of $4,700 and $ 2,800, for the same duration. Asian countries like Chain the per capita income of that person who run households in 1995 was $735, but rose 24% in 2006.the middle class householder pre .capital income $1,300 to $2,400 that income the spend on necessary items (Dyck,Hansakul, Saxen; 2009). Individual led his life accordance to price. The income always affect by the price whenever the price of consumer goods are rising the individual look upon his income; that his income permit him to buy the particular product. In America according Castro (2009) the prices of food items, clothing accessories are affordable due to vast variety in food and clothing. The consumer has the opinion to shift from one product to another and the Chains products give them more space to the consumer. The housing cost is very high due to migration of the people in this part of the world. The high food prices restrict the poor and middle class families to change the food consumption pattern, even the poor families shift to less balance diet which is injurious for their health. According to Braun (2008) the families spend 50 to 60 percent of their income on the food items in US. In US the living cost of one person is $1of one day, if there is increase in the food prices 50% the per person living cost will be $1.50, and your family member are five; current budget of $5 are not sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the family. Growing energy cost is not included in this and the future domestic budget. According Demeke, Pangrazio, Maetz (2009) the prices of rice vegetable and oil was increased from January to May 2008. The citizen of those countries which have a low per capital income and highly dependent on import, high import bills and high food prices was become big challenges for the country, specifically for those countries which have limited foreign exchange and high food uncertainty. The factors which increase the food prices and other consumer items, food consumption expansion, bad weather, low investment, high oil price, low production activates and transport cost, under cultivation, weak dollar, and speculative activities and trade policies also reason for high prices [Demeke et al ,2009] According Saif (2008) in Arab countries the food prices was skyrocketed in 2007 because most of the food products are import from other countries. In short run they have no opinion to control this situation. Oil producing countries can control the inflation in the food price because they have massive revenue, non-oil producing Arab countries have not yet any plan to control this situation, these countries citizen are living below and just at poverty line. The price should be control through trade oriented, customer oriented, and producer oriented strategy (Demeke et al, 2009). Develop agricultural sector through investment and market accessibility, training and educating farmers. Providing the basic facilities to the rural citizen to prevent migration and expand rural agricultural sector. Grow the energy sector to reduce the cost of energy through different technique generate energy through wind turbine. Bring more investor in food market in Arab countries (Saif, 2008). Wasti (2011) In Pakistan per capital income $1051 in 2011, there is increase in per capital income as compare to 2010 is 0.4%. But that increase is not sufficient because on the other side of picture the prices of basic items are going the sky scraping. According to Federal Bureau of Statistics the inflation rate is 13.9%. The appendix -2 related the prices of the consumer items on the average base. The tables are shown in the appendix which is related to the last one decade; in all these tables the prices of each commodity are shown which essential necessary for the community. These tables demonstrate price levels of each commodity are in the rising trend, therefore no decreasing trend in the price levels of the commodity so that is establish there is rising cost of living in Pakistan. The rising cost of living is increasing more sharply from last five years because price levels of the commodity are in a sky- scarping trend in the Pakistan (Economic survey 2010-11). Third, the cost of living also affected by the population /family size. When the family size/ are rapidly increasing, the demand of the family will be increase if one person support the family it is difficult for him to fulfill the requirement of the family the living cost is increase rapidly, the rapid growth in population also increase prices due to too much demand for goods and services (Bongaarts, 2004). Cebula and Richard (1980) said that rising cost of living and population has positive relationship. Whenever increase in the population the price level of the commodity is also increase. The middle class families of Asian are the fastest emergent population cluster in the world. In 2000 the middle class families population of Asian countries was 1.4%of global population and 2.1% of global income, and should be increase in 2030 population would be 8.9% and income 7.7% of global income (Dyck et al, 2009). Family growths of developing countries are much faster than the family growth in developed countries. The Government of Pakistan announced that four persons in the family are the admirable for family and sound for the country because earner can support the family easily and the government can provide the opportunities to his race (Bongaarts, 2004). The dynamic increase in the Asian families size in the dynamic increase in the consumption of the families because every person of family wants basic necessary items for them so most of the family not be able to provide them like Pakistan, Indian, Bangladesh, Sri lank are those countries in which the families size is bigger than their income size (Dyck, et al 2009). According to World Bank and IMF(2005) the new generation of Asian countries like Pakistan, and Indian changing their life style the know the income source are limited so we should do family planning because country like Pakistan the economy situation is not very well so we should limited our family for our bright future. Ashford said in (2009) the population size of the country can be reduced through unintentional pregnancies, family planning, reduce the birth rate give the better and technical education to the women and provide the opportunities for the job to increase the income level of the family and delay or gap in the pregnancies. The responses of community against the rising cost of living, and the community fulfills their requirements through different channels like migrate from one city to another do more than one job, better job opportunities (Felipe, 2009). The rise in the cost of living encourage the migration, migration within the countries and from one country to another country are occur due to rising cost of living within the country. Individuals and families migrate to the area where lot of opportunities to meet their obligations (Ahmad, Gulzar, 2007). Castro said in (2009) the people migrate to USA due to better economy and political stability in the country. There is rising living cost but there are lots of opportunities for the migrated peoples as compare in USA. China is the major provider of migrated labor due to this reason now in Chain there are storage of labor. Chinese polices makers have stop the flow of migration to the other countries especially in these immigrant mostly farmer are migra ted to the other countries for the better living standard. There is decline in the production of agriculture sector of Chain (Brauw, Talyor, Rozella, 2001). Migration with in the country means rural citizen are migrate to urban areas which creates worse result, the extra burden on the cities which craft problems for the locals like increase in the prices of the communities, house rent, build the gap between the income level of the urban and rural households, and political turmoil (Yang, 1999) Some time migration is not done by the rising cost of living. In Chain migration is occur due to their preeminent future because in the some rural area of chain is not well developed the health, children education, basic food items, electricity and many more is not available for the rural citizen so the migrate to the urban area or to the other countries (Yang, Salehi, Kats, Yau, Ashley, 2006). Migration decision is not only the decision of one individual this is the decision of a whole family, that one person or full family migrate to the other region because whole family are facing the rising cost of living. The migrate for long time or short time to earn more and more money that their rest of families member spend better life and save money for future and meet the obligation against the rising cost of living.(Brauw et al, 2001). Migration decision are mostly influenced by the income level and economy situation of the family and the country. When there is rising cost of living, the one earner income are not sufficient to fulfill the need of the family so individual or family migrate for better living standard and fight with the rising cost of living (Kennan, Walker, 2003). The origin of mankind migration is the most significant factor to improve the economy and eminence of life of people in the country and outside the country. The people move to that region where privileged real income and control cost of living and fight with the rising cost of living through their respectable incomes (Ozgen, Nijkamp, Poot, 2009). Ahmad and Gulzar said if government makes the policy that minimum income level are same for all people in the country the people migrate those cities where cost of living is low and value of income is high, means that there is decrease cost of living and migration in do more. In USA the mostly community members do multiple jobs due to high cost of living and the low income level. The individuals who include in doing multiple jobs are young bachelors and newly married couples, the teenagers do part time jobs with their education (Castro, 2009). Ostrosky said in (1983) in USA the householders are not be proficient if they do single job thats why in USA the householders mostly do multiple jobs because cost of living so high. In middle class families of USA the children become adult they bear their own expensive due to rise in the cost of living. In Asian countries last three decades the multiple job trend are increasing day by day because the Asian countries are facing the same dilemma which was faced by the western countries the rising cost of living (Henderson, Vernon, Shalizi, Zmarak, Anthony, 2001). In Pakistan the price of basic commodity is raising and salary level is not increasing as the prices level are increasing, the community members are looking those channels in which the meet their requirement .the multiple jobs is the best option to increase the income level and meet the demand of the products price (Husain, Rashid, 2006). The most significant reason for doing multiple jobs is the pay or salary level, salary is the only weapon against the fighting with rising cost of living. When your weapon is empty or insufficient bullets in the weapon you cannot fight with your enemy. So fighting with the rising cost of living you must possess handsome income level in this versa economy situation the community members do multiple jobs to achieve better life standard (Rehman, 2009). The community members have another opportunity to show resistant against the rising cost of living is the job hopping (Lee, Geraanart, Weller, Trevor, 2008). Rehman said (2009) the job hopping means the employees change their job for no reason just for fun they do job hopping. The mostly job hopping occur due to less opportunities in the present job the employee turn to that job where they have better future opportunities and where their future is secure (Romero, Cruthirds, 2009). The job hopping are faced by every organization, if the organization are paid incentive to the employees on the different events like rewards on the attendance and bonuses the job hopping is not be eliminate because these feature are so ordinary they do not distinguish the organization and persuade the employees to stay with them.(Miller, Hom, G-Mejia, 2001). The job hopping begin when employees feels that the present income level is not sufficient to overcome the rising cost of living then he search for the other job opportunities to survive in the rising cost trend (Rynes, Gerhart Parks, 2004). Research Hypothesis Following hypothesis is set to be evaluated: H1: The cost of living rise during the last three years H2: The monthly expenses rise during the last three years H3: The community members migrate to another city due to rise in the cost of living. H4: The community members do multiple jobs due to rise in the cost of living. H5: The community members do job hopping due to rise in the cost of living. H6: The community members give preferences to the basic commodity items on luxuriously items due to rise in the cost of living. Research Methodology The sample chosen 150 responded for the comprehensive questionnaire from six district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The criteria for selection of a respondent, the respondents run their families and must be job holder. The randomly selected 150 responded included government servants, doctors, businessmen, journalists, professors, bankers, and shopkeepers. The respondents belong to the different community of six district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. In this six disttrict include Peshawar, Charsada, Mardan, Bannu, Nowshehra, and Kohat Results and Analysis The responses of the respondents are described through questionnaire which are dispense among the selected 150 respondents. The questionnaire carries 19 questions and in this 19 questions hypothesis are include in the shape of question. The questionnaire gathers the responses of the respondents and on these gather responses through questionnaire applied statistical tool like mean, standard deviation, and variance. The statistical tools are calculated through SPSS 19 edition software Excel 2007. T one tail-test is used to acceptance and rejection of hypothesis, the t statistical value calculated through mean standard deviation and ÃŽà ¼. The calculated t statistical value is more than +1.645 than accept the hypothesis and when less than -1.645 reject the hypothesis. The table-1 is computed through Microsoft Excel 2007 edition. The data is placed in the table is gather from the questionnaire. The table consists on items like Gander, Age, Income range, Save, Saving range, and Expenses range; the other parts of table are respondents data and the responses in the form of percentages. This table shows the response of KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA community about their yearly activities related to the consumption of the income. Previously in the methodology 150 respondents are mention, to the know the responses of community for research of Rising Cost of Living in the KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA in the Current Regime, this table show the response. In table, 91% are males and 9% are females, in which 60% are married and 40% are unmarried respondents. In the age range section the 43% of respondents belongs to the age group of 20-30 which is the highest partition in the age group, rest off other age range have the respondents are 29%, 20%, and 9%. Income section is the most important section and tells that who much one respondent earn in the month. The 26% respondents are able to earn more than 42000Rs per month means 39 individuals or householders income of the month are more than 42000Rs which are the highest in the income section. In income section 23% of respondents earn income from 21000-28000Rs range between per month, which are the second highest in the income section. The 6% of respondents income are less than 7000 per month, which show the poorer middle class families earning. The other income range groups belong to the lower middle class, middle class, upper middle class, and high upper class. The 9% income earned in th e month by lower middle class, the 17% income earned by the middle class families, 23% and 9% income are earned by the upper middle class. The 11% and 26% income are earned by the high upper class. Saving section in table 66% of respondents are said that they are saved money for their future and 34% of the respondents are said no or hide their saving. The saving section further divides in to saving range this research study that those respondents are said that we are not saved money for future but in saving range the mark on different options that the save money for future. The research examines those respondents which belongs to the high upper class and upper middle class means income level is high or earned more income in the month like more than 42000Rs, they marked on the high saving range like 9000 12000 and 12000 15000Rs. These both range have the highest response of the respondents, 9000 12000Rs range have 26% respondents save money for future which are the highest percentage of response of the respondents, and 12000 15000 range have the 11% respondents save money for their future benefits. The saving range less than 3000 having 23% responses of the respondents, which shows that the communi ty have a very scare income level to save money and they are facing hand to mouth situation mostly are the poorer middle class and the lower middle class families. The other saving ranges has a same level of response of the respondents is 20%, this response belong to the middle class and upper middle class families. The expenses section of table shows, the respondents behavior towards their expenses of the community. The research shows the respondents utilization behavior; the respondents spend their money on their food able items they spend 60% of their income on the food items. This research shows another point that those respondents having a high income level the expenses level of those respondents are high. In expenses range 20000 25000Rs are the range where 43% of respondents are lying which is the highest range in the expenses range section. The high upper class in the society not carries lot of peoples so in the research the respondents of that class are not so much selected, response of that class regarding expenses is low which is 29% against the expenses range of more than 25000Rs, means the respondents of that class is low the response is low. The table 2 computed through SPSS 19 edition and Microsoft Excel 2007. The SPSS computed hypotheses data and originate the result of 150 respondents. The SPSS evaluate Mean, Standard Deviation, and Variance of each hypothesis data, which further help to find out the t-statistical value. The Microsoft Excel 2007 is used to calculate t-statistical values for each hypotheses. The T- one tail test is applied on the each hypotheses which determine the t-statistical value, as earlier mention that mean, standard deviation, and variance is used to find out the t values. The t values calculate through this equation t= m-ÃŽà ¼/S.D for each hypotheses. The table 2 provides the base for the following tables calculation. The following tables consist of H0 = ÃŽà ¼ and ÃŽà ¼=3, number of hypothesis like H1, mean, standard deviation and total number of respondents which is 150. Microsoft Excel 2007 is used for the calculation of t-statistical values for each following table through this equation First hypothesis as stated above is the agreement of the cost of living has been rise during the last three years, the result show in table-1 our null hypothesis is ÃŽà ¼=3 which clarify the neutrality of statement and ÃŽà ¼ place for the population mean but our alternative hypothesis ÃŽà ¼>3 show that the respondents approach is towards agreement for the statement where our estimated mean is 4.01, Standard Deviation is1.277, number of observation is 150, and standard t-statistics is +1.660744 following traditional t-test with the estimator = estimated mean population mean/ Standard deviation. Hence our t-statistics +1.660744 is more than tabulated value of t which is +1.645 under the 0.05 level of significance following one-tailed testing. Therefore we accept H1 that cost of living has been rise during three years. Second hypothesis as mentioned above is the agreement of the monthly expenses rise during the last three years, The result show in table-2 our null hypothesis is ÃŽà ¼=3 which clarify the neutrality of statement and ÃŽà ¼ set for the population mean but our swap hypothesis ÃŽà ¼>3 show that the respondents approach is towards agreement for the statement where our estimated mean is 4.41, Standard Deviation is 1.414, number of observation is 150, and standard t-statistics is +1.780727 following traditional t-test with the estimator = estimated mean population mean/ Standard deviation. Hence our t-statistics +1.780727 is more than tabulated value of t which is +1.645 under the 0.05 level of significance following one-tailed testing. Therefore we accept H2 that the monthly expenses raised during the last three years. The first two hypotheses H1 and H2 accept, so that indicates the community is facing the rising cost of living trend, the acceptance is encouraging the research. For H3 H0: The community members do not job hopping due to high living cost. H3: The community members do job hopping due to high living cost. Third hypothesis declared above is the agreement of job hopping due to Rising Living Cost the result shows in the table-4 our null hypothesis is ÃŽà ¼=3 which explain the neutrality of statement and ÃŽà ¼ place for the population mean but our switch hypothesis ÃŽà ¼
Friday, January 17, 2020
Learning Organization Essay
The evolution of ââ¬Å"Organizational Learningâ⬠has started in 1938 when John Dewey, in his book ââ¬Å"Experience and Educationâ⬠, publicized the concept of experiential learning as an ongoing cycle of activity. But, how did this concept emerge? Or, what does it really mean for the businesses? In order to understand this, we have to analyze the problems and needs. The core idea behind ââ¬Å"learning organizationâ⬠is that organizations of all kinds will not survive, let alone thrive, if they do not acquire an ability to adapt continuously to an increasingly unpredictable future. Or in other words, in order to survive and succeed for businesses, it is essential to establish or build stronger relationships with customers, where there are rapidly changing, turbulent and/or highly competitive market. Through learning, organizations may be better equipped to meet the challenges caused by continuous environmental turbulence. In addition, where products and processes can rapidly be copied, according to Arie de Geus, head of strategic planning department of Royal/Dutch Shell, the only real source of competitive advantage is to stimulate learning by employees. This may allow these individuals to identify new ways of working more closely with customers, which in turn permits the organization to differentiate itself from competition. However, the style of learning has to reflect the operational needs of the organization. For instance, a manufacturer which has adopted a transactional marketing style would probably choose to operate in a relatively stable market, produce standard components and focus primarily on offering adequate quality goods at a competitive price. In such circumstances, assuming that the organizational systems are based around repetition of routine procedures, the firm would probably be well advised to focus upon creating a single-loop learning environment as the most appropriate way fur sustaining employee development aimed at organizational efficiency. 2 On the other hand, in market situations where firms face periods of significant, discontinuous change and/or there is a desire to differentiateà the firm from competition through the adoption of a relationship marketing style, then possibly an incremental, more adaptive learning style, which is called double-loop learning may be more appropriate, so to involve the exploitation of new knowledge to evolve new practices, perspectives and operational frameworks. Figure 1: Single- vs. double-loop learning. II. DEFINITION OF LEARNING ORGANIZATIONS Keeping in mind what we have so far discussed, now let us check some definitions of the Learning Organizations. Peter M. Senge, who is also named as the father of this concept, describes learning organizations as organizations where people can continuously expand their capacity to create results which they truly desire. In such organizations, new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, and collective aspiration is set free. Individuals learn to learn together. He declares ââ¬Å"Deep down, we are all learners. It is not only our nature to learn, but we love to learn. ââ¬Å" Chris Argyris and Donald Schon defined the concept of learning organizations through the help of the definition of organizational learning: where the process of ââ¬Å"detection and correction of errorsâ⬠rules. 3 Moreover, how de Geus defined learning organizations is very remarkable: ââ¬Å"Forget your tired old ideas about leadership. The most successful corporation of the 1990s will be something called a learning organization? The ability to learn faster than your competitors, may be the only sustainable competitive advantage. ââ¬Å" One last definition might be the one of Kim, D., ââ¬Å"a learning organization is one that consciously manages its learning process through an inquiry-driven orientation among all its membersâ⬠. III. FIVE DISCIPLINES OF SENGE I have already mentioned that Senge was called as the father of the concept of ââ¬Å"Learning Organizationsâ⬠. When he first published his book The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization in 1990, he caught a significant attention from academics and the business world. Peter M. Senge (1947- ) was named a ? Strategist of the Centuryââ¬â¢ by the Journal of Business Strategy, one of 24 men and women who have ? had the greatest impact on the way we conduct business todayââ¬â¢. Moreover, Senge has founded the Center for Organizational Learning at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1991 while he is also the founding chairperson of the ââ¬Å"Society for Organizational Learningâ⬠(SoL) and a senior lecturer at MIT. Being maybe the most important, namely the person having the most influence in Learning Organizations I will study his so called five disciplines in my project. 4 3. 1 PERSONAL MASTERY 3. 1. 1 Introduction to Personal Masteryà Senge says, ââ¬Å"Organizations learn only through individuals who learn. Individual learning does not guarantee organizational learning. But without it no organizational learning occurs. â⬠The people are the main active force in every aspect of the business. Since, people have their own will and mind, and their own way of thinking; it is essential that they be sufficiently motivated to challenge the goals of growth and complexity. In todayââ¬â¢s practices, the manager should not be willing to dominate controlling, planning and organizing the workers activities. Instead they should be enabling the people in the business have their own enriching lives through establishing and maintaining the conditions needed. One should be living his own life from a creative viewpoint, so as to turn the life into a creative work. Personal Mastery is the phrase Senge and his colleagues use for the discipline of personal growth and learning. People with high levels of personal mastery are continually expanding their ability to create the results in life they truly seek. From their quest for continual learning comes the spirit of the learning organization. 3. 1. 1. 1 Mastery and Proficiency. There are two main underlying movements when personal mastery becomes a discipline, one of which is always continually making clear what is important for oneself, whereas the other movement is to continually learn how to see the current reality more clearly. It is vital to know where you are now in moving toward a desired destination. People with a high level of personal mastery share several basic characteristics, one of which is that they have a special sense of purpose that lies behind their visions and goals. 5 For such a person, a vision is an aspiration rather than simply a good idea. One other characteristic is that they live in a continual learning mode, where they never ââ¬Å"arriveâ⬠. They know that personal mastery is not something one possesses, but is a process, a lifelong discipline. Those with a high level of personal mastery are acutely aware of their ignorance, their incompetence; and they know, or better to say truly believe that the journey itself is the reward. 3. 1. 1. 2 Why We Want It We want it because people with high levels of personal mastery are more committed, take more initiative, have a broader and deeper sense of responsibility in their work, and learn faster. Kazou Inamori, founder and chairman emeritus of Kyocera Corporation and president of the Inamori Foundation, who holds a bachelor of sciences in applied chemistry, says that ââ¬Å"Our employees agreed to live in a community in which they would not exploit each other, but rather help each other so that we may each live our life fully. â⬠3. 1. 1. 3 Resistance One of the issues against the personal mastery is the resistance, which in turn is a valid fear for companies in which the managers couldnââ¬â¢t build a shared vision along with shared mental models. It is useless to have personal mastery as solely without other disciplines of the organizational learning. Thatââ¬â¢s why we always have to keep in mind that personal mastery must go together with a shared vision and the other disciplines. 6 3. 1. 2 The Discipline of Personal Mastery 3. 1. 2. 1 Personal Vision Most adults have goals and objectives, but these are not visions. Thus, we can say that most have little sense of real vision. When asked what they want, many adults will say what they want to get rid of, as if they delineate themselves as given-ups, rather than grown-ups. Senge points that ââ¬Å"The ability to focus on ultimate intrinsic desires, not only on secondary goals, is a cornerstone of personal mastery. â⬠Vision is different from purpose, since purpose is similar to a direction, a general heading, whereas vision is a specific destination, a picture of a desired future. Vision is the image of your desired future. It shouldnââ¬â¢t be confused with competition; it shouldnââ¬â¢t be isolated from the idea of oneââ¬â¢s purpose. It is something which has personal aspects along with material aspects, such as where we want to live and how much of savings we want, or issues like health or freedom contribute, relatively. 3. 1. 2. 2 Holding Creative Tension One testimony of Senge says that there is something called the creative tension which is the source of energy derived from the gap between oneââ¬â¢s vision and where it stands in reality. This gap can push someone forward to get closer to the vision; however it might also discourage some other people, so as to leading to feelings and emotions associated with anxiety. Imagine a rubber band, stretched between your vision and the current reality. When stretched, the rubber band creates tension, representing the tension between vision and current reality. What does tension seek? Resolution or release. There 7 are two possible ways for the tension to resolve itself: pull reality toward the vision or pull the vision toward reality. Which occurs will depend on whether we hold steady to the vision. Figure 3: Creative Tension Negative emotions caused by anxiety of the creative tension, shouldnââ¬â¢t be realized as the creative tension itself. What Senge argues, is that after some time what we call emotional tension will arise due to the negative emotions. In such cases, we feel deeply discouraged about a vision that is not happening and tend to lower the vision as an immediate so called remedy. It is clear that escaping emotional tension is easy; but what we really pay against is giving up something what we profoundly want, our vision. In the context of organizations we can say that goals are slowly lowered because of low tolerance for emotional tension. What we have to do is to understand thoroughly what the creative tension is and allow it to operate without lowering our vision; only then the vision becomes an active force in personal mastery. The gap in between should be used to generate energy for change. 8 Mastery of creative tension transforms the way we judge failure. It is simply an opportunity for learning. 3. 1. 2. 3 ââ¬Å"Structural Conflictâ⬠: The Power of your Powerlessness A research done by Robert Fritz has shown that practically all of us have a ââ¬Å"dominant belief that we are not able to fulfill our desiresâ⬠. This in turn, is an obstacle one should get rid off. These beliefs, which are mandatory as a child to survive, were taught us so that we learnt our limitations. Most of us hold one of two contradictory beliefs that intrinsically limit our ability to create what so called we really want. The more common belief is in our powerlessness, namely our inability to bring into being all the things we really care about, whereas the other belief focuses on unworthiness, that we do not deserve to have what we truly desire. Fritz uses a metaphor to describe how contradictory underlying beliefs work as a system, which he calls the ââ¬Å"structural conflictâ⬠, the metaphor counter to achieving our goals, through symbolizing the concept by another rubber band example. Figure 4: Effect of ââ¬Å"structural conflictâ⬠to the creative tension. Later on, he identifies three generic so called strategies to cope with the forces of structural conflict, each of which has its own limitations. Accordingly, one is letting 9 our vision to erode. This strategy will lead to the sacrifice of what we truly want as discussed earlier. The second strategy is to ââ¬Å"conflict manipulationâ⬠which is actually the strategy of people who mostly worry about failure. What they do is to focus on avoiding what they do not want to happen. This strategy makes one to spend his/her life in worry and fear. For those following this strategy, which is also called the ââ¬Å"negative visionâ⬠, there is little joy in their life, even when they achieve their goals because this time they immediately tend to begin worrying about losing what they have gained. The last and most favorable strategy is defined as the willpower, where we simply ââ¬Å"psyche ourselves upâ⬠to overpower all forms of resistance to achieving our goals. Simply saying, motivating through heightened will. In the next section, we will discuss Sengeââ¬â¢s strategy for dealing with structural conflict: telling the truth. 3. 1. 2. 4 Commitment to the Truth People often want a technique that they can apply to solve the problem of structural conflict. But, in fact, being committed to the truth is far more powerful than any technique. So, what does it actually mean? It means a relentless willingness to root out the ways we limit or deceive ourselves from seeing what is, and to continually challenge our theories of why things are the way they are. The first critical task in dealing with structural conflicts is to recognize them, and the resulting behavior, when they are operating. This helps us to develop so called internal 10à warning signals, such as when we find ourselves blaming something or someone for our problems. What Senge suggests in this context is that we have to work on developing skills to discuss such situations with the people involved without producing defensiveness. We shouldnââ¬â¢t always act in a manner where we always think of what others have done in the situation, rather we have to concentrate on what we can do. This in other words, relates to the fact that we have to understand, or better to say, realize the situation, the current reality in which we are, so to use this as a generative force. This has even been concluded in religions like Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Jewish, Buddhism. One example might be the statement of ââ¬Å"The truth shall set you free. â⬠3. 1. 2. 5 Using the Subconscious One of the most fascinating aspects of people with high levels of personal mastery is their ability to accomplish extraordinarily complex tasks with grace and ease. But, how does this come to happen? It is through the subconscious that all of us deal with complexity. What distinguishes people with high levels of personal mastery is they have developed a higher level of understanding between their normal awareness and their subconscious. Even the daily activities of us like walking, talking, eating or putting on your shoes are enormously complex tasks, for which we have learned the required skills of the tasks, which in turn led that the whole activity gradually shifts from conscious attention to subconscious control. People with high levels of personal mastery focus on the desired result itself, not the process or the means they assume necessary to achieve that result. This allows the person in focusing on the artistry of the result as well. 11 In other words, we can say that we must work at learning how to differentiate what we truly want, from what we think we need to do in order to achieve it. In order to develop a subconscious understanding it is also important to commit to the truth, because when not telling the truth, most people create some level of internal stress. The principle of creative tension recognizes that the subconscious operates most effectively when it is focused clearly on our vision and our current reality. One effective way to focus the subconscious is through imagery and visualization. For instance, world-class swimmers have found that by imagining their hands to be twice their actual size and their feet to be webbed, they actually swim faster. Mental practicing of complex tasks has become a routine psychological training for professional performers from different areas of interest. A strict reliance on only conscious learning could never have achieved this level of artistry, even if there was all the willpower in the world present. Contradictorily, it had to depend on a high level of subconscious understanding. 3. 2 MENTAL MODELS 3. 2. 1 Introduction to Mental Modelsà Mental models can be described as the views and assumptions we hold in our minds about how things are and how things work. A mental model is like oneââ¬â¢s way of looking at whatââ¬â¢s happening in the world. In other words, it determines how we think and act. Mental models depend on the past experiences, and the perception as a result of those experiences, and observations. In the introduction I had introduced the experiential learning, which was the style of learning through past experience and some other elements 12 like concrete experience, observation and reflection, and forming abstract concepts. Accordingly, a child without knowing that it might cut his hand might take a knife in his hand and try to push it in his hand. This in fact, will hurt him a lot. However, grown ups already know how to deal with a knife, so they wonââ¬â¢t do the same mistake as the child does. All the experiences learnt are added up so to form or build up the mental models. 3. 2. 1. 1 Why the Best Ideas Fail? From the business point of view, one thing which is known by all managers is that many of the best ideas never get put into practice. Even brilliant strategies fail to get translated into action. New insights fail to get put into practice because they conflict with deeply held internal images of how the world works, images that limit us to familiar ways of thinking and acting. That is why the discipline of managing mental models ? surfacing, testing, and improving our internal pictures of how the world works- promises to be a major breakthrough for building learning organizations. Our mental models determine not only how we make sense of the world, but how we take action, namely they shape how we act which puts them into an active sense. But, why are mental models so powerful in affecting what we do? In part, because they affect what we see. As psychologists say, human beings observe selectively. Mental models also exist in the organizations, and also in management. Mental models could cause big losses in the business world as it can also prevent us from seeing the current situation. Loosing Americaââ¬â¢s car market share to German and Japanese countries was a result of the mental models of the management, where they are prevented to see the situation because of their models in mind, and perceptions. 13 The problems with mental models lie not in whether they are right or wrong-by definition, all models are simplifications. The problems with mental models arise when the models are tacit-when they exist below the level of awareness. 3. 2. 1. 2. Overcoming ââ¬Å"The Basic Diseases of the Hierarchyâ⬠In the traditional authoritarian organization, the dogma was managing, organizing, and controlling, whereas in the learning organization, the new dogma will be vision, values, and mental models. In addition, in traditional organizations, merit means doing what the boss wants, openness means telling the boss what he wants to hear, and localness means doing the dirty stuff that the boss doesnââ¬â¢t want to do. However, in learning organizations these concepts will get new understandings. 3. 2. 2. The Discipline of Mental Models Developing an organizationââ¬â¢s capacity to work with mental models involves both learning new skills and implementing institutional innovations that help bring these skills into regular practice. 3. 2. 2. 1 Managing Mental Models Throughout An Organization A concept of scenarios should be adapted in pursuit of mental models, so to force managers to consider how they would manage under different alternative paths into the future. This offsets the tendency for managers to implicitly assume a single future. When groups of managers share a range of alternative futures in their mental models, they become more responsive to those changes. 14 Mental modeling should be implemented as a philosophy. It is important to note that the goal in mental modeling is not agreement or congruency. Many mental models can exist at once. What is important is that we have to consider all of them and test against situations that we confront. Only after the process works it leads to congruency. 3. 2. 2. 2 Managing Mental Models At Personal and Interpersonal Levels The learning skills of ââ¬Å"action scienceâ⬠practitioners such as Chris Argyris fall into two broad classes: skills of reflection and skills of inquiry. Where skills of reflection concern slowing down our own thinking process so that we can become more aware of how we form our mental models and the ways they influence our actions, inquiry skills concern how we operate in face-to-face interactions with others, especially in dealing with complex and conflictual issues. Reflection skills start with recognizing ââ¬Å"leaps of abstractionâ⬠, which mean that our minds move at lightning speeds. Ironically, this often slows our learning, because we immediately ââ¬Å"leapâ⬠to generalizations so quickly that we never think to test them. Namely, leaps of abstraction occur when we move from direct observations to generalization without testing. Here it is important to distinguish direct observation from generalizations inferred from the observation itself. To distinguish it, explicitly separate it from the data which led to it. A second technique from action science is the left-hand column, which in turn is a powerful tool for beginning to see how our mental models operate in particular situations. It reveals ways that we manipulate situations to avoid dealing with how we actually think and feel, and thereby prevent a counterproductive situation from improving. The most important lesson that comes from seeing ââ¬Å"our left-hand columnsâ⬠is how we undermine opportunities for learning in conflictual situations. Here, a process called ââ¬Å"balancing inquiry and advocacyâ⬠comes into action. 15 Managers are mostly trained to be advocates. In many companies, being a competent manager means, being able to solve problems, figuring out what needs to be done, and enlisting whatever support is needed to get it done. In such organizations, employees are rewarded according to their ability to debate forcefully, and influence others, where the inquiry skills are unrecognized. Those rewards unfortunately can bring the employees to managerial positions, where they suddenly face the fact that they do not learn while they should learn. Advocacy without inquiry between two people can end up in vicious circle. The more vehemently one argues, the more it creates a threat to the otherââ¬â¢s position, so that the latter argues vehemently, which causes a threat to the first oneââ¬â¢s position, therefore, the first one argues even more vehemently. This reinforcing advocacy can be stopped by inquiring. Then it gives a chance for the both parts to understand each otherââ¬â¢s conflicts, and reasoning. When in pure advocacy, people do not want to show the weak parts of their reasoning, and discard them. Definitely it does not bring any learning to us. Instead it brings polarization within the group. When operating in pure advocacy, the goal is to win the argument; however, when inquiry and advocacy are combined the goal is no longer ââ¬Å"to win the argumentâ⬠but to find the best argument out of all. This combination allows us to discover completely new views. What we have to keep in mind is that practicing inquiry and advocacy means being willing to expose the limitations in your own thinking, namely the willingness to be wrong. 16 3. 3 SHARED VISION 3. 3. 1 Introduction to Shared Vision 3. 3. 1. 1 A Common Caring A shared vision is not an idea, it is rather a force in peopleââ¬â¢s hearts, a force of impressive power. It may be inspired by an idea, but once it goes further ? if it is compelling enough to acquire support of more than one person? then it is no longer an abstraction. It is tangible. People begin to see it as if it exists. Few forces in human affairs are as powerful as shared visions. At its simplest level, a shared vision is the answer to the question, ââ¬Å"What do we want to create? â⬠Just as personal visions are pictures or images people carry in their heads and hearts, so too are shared visions pictures that people throughout an organization carry. When people truly share a vision they are connected, bound together by a common aspiration. Shared vision is one of the vital fundamentals of learning organizations, because it provides energy and also focus for learning. People should have something that really matters to them, something that makes them excited. A shared vision is not one dictated by that top management; it only exists when people are personally committed, since it is their personal vision. 3. 3. 1. 2 Why Shared Visions Matter? In an organization, a shared vision changes peopleââ¬â¢s relationship with the company. What they so far called as ââ¬Å"their companyâ⬠, becomes ââ¬Å"our companyâ⬠. It helps to create a common identity. Only this way, a learning organization can really succeed. You cannot have a learning organization without shared vision. 17 How can a commitment to the long term be fostered is the key question in efforts to develop systems thinking in management. People do not focus on the long term because they have to, but only because they want to. 3. 3. 2 The Discipline of Building Shared Vision Shared visions emerge from personal visions. This is how they derive their energy and how they foster commitment. The management should encourage individuals so as to let them create their own visions, as was told earlier in this project. However, these visions are not the shared vision itself. This is needed so that it will be easier for the individuals to accept visions of others and work in the same manner. In this way, the synergy which will be established is needed for the organization indeed. The shared vision shouldnââ¬â¢t be written and taught to employees because this will establish a fear. Instead, everyone should adopt this vision and commit itself to the whole vision of the organization. 3. 3. 2. 1 From Personal Visions to Shared Visions To make it clearer, letââ¬â¢s imagine a picture of a landscape. When you cut this picture into smaller parts, you will not be able to see the whole sight. However, if you have a picture of an ocean in which all the organisms, like fish, plants, etc. live, and you cut it into pieces, you will still be able to see the whole sight because the vision of the ocean is the same in that part. Itââ¬â¢s like the shared vision. When you take the shared vision person by person into consideration youââ¬â¢ll see that they match each other and reflect the whole image. 18 So, it is the fact that when more people come to share a common vision, the vision may not change fundamentally. But it becomes more alive, more real in the sense of a mental reality that people can truly imagine achieving. Writing a vision statement, which is often a one-shot vision, can be a first step in building shared vision but, alone, it rarely makes a vision come alive within an organization. Another problem with the so called one-shot vision that was prepared by the top management is that the resulting vision does not build on peopleââ¬â¢s personal visions. Contrarily, it only reflects the personal vision of one or two people at the top. The last problem might be explained in the manner as the vision is not a solution to a problem. Building a shared vision must be seen as a central element of the daily work of leaders. It is ongoing and never-ending. It is not truly a shared vision until it connects with the personal visions of people throughout the organization. Moreover, visions that are truly shared take time to emerge. They grow as a by-product of interactions of individual visions. Experience suggests that visions that are genuinely shared require ongoing conversation where individuals not only feel free to express their dreams, but also learn how to listen to each othersââ¬â¢ dreams. 3. 3. 2. 2 Spreading Visions: Enrollment, Commitment, and Compliance There is a big difference between compliance and commitment. The committed person brings energy, passion and excitement, which in turn brings the synergy; he does not play by the rules of the game, instead feels responsible for the game, and will not hesitate to change the rules of the game if they stand in the way of achieving vision. On the other hand compliant followers only accept the vision, but do not have a personal desire. They may want it in order to keep their job, or to get a promotion etc. , but they know that itââ¬â¢s not their vision at all. For an organization to survive, it must ensure that a shared vision with the commitment of the individuals is established. 19 However, there are the types of genuine compliant followers, which may often be mistaken for enrollment or commitment. What then is the difference between being genuinely compliant and enrolled and committed? The answer is deceptively simple. People who are enrolled or committed truly want the vision, where genuinely compliant people accept the vision. They may want it in order to keep their job, or to get a promotion etc. , but they know that itââ¬â¢s not their vision at all. 3. 4 TEAM LEARNING 3. 4. 1 Introduction to Team Learning 3. 4. 1. 1 The Potential Wisdom Teams In order to understand team learning, it is important to understand what teams are. The word ââ¬Å"teamâ⬠can be traced back to the Indo-European word ââ¬Å"deukâ⬠(to pull); it has always included a meaning of ââ¬Å"pulling togetherâ⬠. (The modern sense of team, ââ¬Å"a group of people acting togetherâ⬠, emerged in the sixteenth century) We define ââ¬Å"teamsâ⬠as any group of people who need each other to accomplish a result. This definition is derived from a statement made by former Royal Dutch/Shell Group Planning coordinator, Arie de Geus: ââ¬Å"The only relevant learning in a company is the learning done by those people who have the power to take actionâ⬠. Team learning is a process of aligning and developing the capacity of a team to create the results its members truly desire. It builds on the discipline of developing shared vision. It also builds on developing personal mastery, for talented teams are made up of talented individuals. But shared vision and talent are not enough. The world is full of teams of talented individuals who share a vision for a while, yet fail to learn. 20 Here we can discuss the terms unaligned and aligned teams. The fundamental characteristic of the relatively unaligned team is wasted energy. Individuals may work extraordinarily hard, but their efforts do not efficiently translate to team effort. By contrast, when a team becomes more aligned, a commonality of direction emerges, and individualsââ¬â¢ energies harmonize. There is less wasted energy. In fact, a resonance or synergy develops, like the coherent light of a laser rather than the incoherent and scattered light of a light bulb. There is commonality of purpose, a shared vision, and understanding of how to complement one anotherââ¬â¢s efforts. Individuals do not sacrifice their personal interests to the larger team vision; rather, the shared vision becomes an extension of their personal visions. In fact, alignment is the necessary condition before empowering the individual will empower the whole team. Team learning is possible in every area, sports, business, performing arts, science, etc. It can even have extra ordinary results where the teams can be coordinated and even intelligence of the team can exceed the intelligence of its members totaling. In such an environment, team members can also show a rapid growth, than they could gain individually, namely constructing the synergy. With the changes in the organizations, team learning has never been that important. No matter if itââ¬â¢s a product development team, management team or cross-functional task forces. As they are teams, they are the people who need one another to act. The three critical dimensions of Team Learning can be described as; 1. Insightful thinking is necessary for complex issues. Teams must learn to end up with one more intelligent solution when compared to each of the participantsââ¬â¢ solutions. 2. Innovative and coordinated action is vital.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Homelessness Is A Growing Problem Essay - 1121 Words
Family is such a simple word and many people take their own family and home for granted. However, Australian society still has people, who can not enjoy the advantage of a family life, and do not have shelter. On census night in 2011, 17% in every 10,000 people were estimated to be homeless. The present situation is, 39% of the homeless people live in overcrowded houses and approximately 20% people live in supported houses (ABS 2012). The latest definition of homelessness is, people who live in temporary house, have no tenure and do not have enough space for social relations (Justin 2006). Homelessness is a growing problem in Australia and it has spread quickly and influences to different kind of people. The rapid increase of homeless issues has influenced various people and the government should put forward corresponding solutions for these causes. This essay will introduce five main reasons which cause homelessness and the government attitude and will describe three homelessness issues and evaluate each of them respectively. There are five major reasons to cause homelessness. The widespread reason of homelessness was mental illness and addiction. And then, it is family breakdown, especially domestic violence. The third is economic problems, including unemployment and poverty. Next, it is a scarcity of affordable housing. The last reason is government does not provide enough service for people. Homelessness is a complex problem, which can relate to different fields,Show MoreRelatedHomelessness : A Growing Problem1100 Words à |à 5 PagesTaylor Williams Ms. Eastman Intermediate Writing / 4th hour 3 November 2015 Expository Essay: Homelessness Homelessness is a growing problem in our society and has been going on for decades. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Criminal Justice System Principles - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 924 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/02/20 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Criminal Justice Essay Did you like this example? The Principle of Legality The principal of legality means that no one can be convicted of a crime if there is not already a law written defining the specific act as criminal. Although many of the core crimes committed in the United States such as murder, arson, theft, or rape have laws in place to protect its citizens, with the increased availability and use of technology, there are new crimes emerging for which no laws previously existed. Cybercrime was not even a term that existed fifty years ago, so it would have been impossible to have created laws protecting citizens for crimes such as these.. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Criminal Justice System Principles" essay for you Create order From a moral standpoint it seems that if someone knowingly does something that harms another, even if the act has not been deemed illegal, that person should be held accountable. However, the criminal justice system does not exist to anticipate and punish new crimes. The criminal justice system is in place to render justice and our justice system can never be given the power to convict a person based on what is considered moral over the written law. If a criminal finds a way to do something malicious without breaking the law, it is up to the process of the United States government to propose and pass a law to convict future perpetrators of the same crime. Most of the laws in the United States are in place to maintain order and the safety of its citizens. Depending on the severity of the crime, the consequences vary dramatically. For example, running a red light will result in a fine, running a red light and hitting another vehicle will result in a fine and financial retribution to the other vehicle owner, running a red light and hitting a pedestrian will cause the police to become involved and criminal charges, such as involuntary manslaughter, could be imposed. Theories of Criminal Punishment When someone commits a crime that requires a punishment, the theory of criminal punishment, which considers the purpose of criminal punishment, there are two main classifications that have endured through the centuries (Samaha, 2017). Although the two groups seem as if they follow the same type of thinking, it is the idea behind the incarceration that differs. Retributionists seek a vengeful punishment to the offender. They feel is a person knowingly commits a severe crime like murder or rape, the owe it to society to receive a harsh prison sentence and that they should be hated by society. Although this seems extreme, there is a humane side to this school of thought in that culpability is considered. People who have accidents, such as motor vehicle deaths, are not on the retributionist radar for revenge. They are mainly interested in punishing those who commit crimes with the intent of doing so. Preventionists, on the other hand, think punishment should only be inflicted when necessary to promote the greater good of the rest of the community or to prevent future offenses, Preventionists would rather attempt to rehabilitate the offender by offering alternatives to jail time such as rehabilitation, divergence programs, work release programs, and community services. Deterrence methods such as suspended sentences or parole are also an alternative for preventionists. If a crime is severe or that rehabilitation efforts have not been effective, then preventionists believe a person should be incapacitated through incarceration, but for the good of the community and not as a method of revenge. My Opinion I believe that people who commit crime should be held accountable and receive consequences. Retribution has proved over the years to serve no real purpose in preventing criminals from reoffending after being released. In prisons who offer appropriate rehabilitation programs, particularly education, show the lowest rates of recidivism. Inmates who receive college degrees in prison are the least likely to reoffend, while those who receive no type of rehabilitation are likely to be re-arrested within a year of release. This is the reason I think prevention is the correct way of thinking about our justice system. Rather than having a revolving door on a prison, we should teach the inmates the skills to be a productive member of society upon release. Also, for younger prisoners who commit a first offense, other methods should be employed before locking them up. A first-time offender will fall prey to the prisoner subculture and may end up being a more educated criminal upon release from prison. Presumption of Innocence Any person who commits a crime in the United States is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Criminal investigators have been known to use surveillance tapes from businesses to try and piece together crimes in the past. Later, social media profiles were added to the list of things that were examined to piece together information about a suspect or victim. Forensic scientists examine the computers of suspects. With the evolution of cell phones that record video, every person can catch anything, including a crime, on video. The video taken by bystanders should be treated as any other piece of evidence that is gathered by detectives. It should be examined, authenticated that is was not altered and entered into evidence. The suspect will still arrive at trial with the presumption of innocence. The video recordings may make the suspects case unwinnable because it is like being caught red-handed, but if treated as evidence the same as a strand of hair or recovered weapon would be handled, then it is perfectly acceptable. References Samaha, J. (2017). Criminal Law (12 ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN- 10: 1-305-57738-8 or ISBN- 13: 978-1-305-57738-1
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